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AFCAT is one of the most prestigious and difficult exams in the country. Thousands of candidates apply and there is stiff competition to crack the exam. However, only a handful is able to make it through. This is because the questions are tricky and the time constraint makes them all the more difficult! With the right amount of prep work, you can do it.

According to the our AFCAT training experts at the best AFCAT training institute in Kolkata, Siegwald Academy, the last 30 days before the exam is very crucial. Keeping this in mind, we are drawing up a rough schedule for AFCAT aspirants in this blog. By following this routine, you will be in a better position to crack the exam in the first attempt itself

All 30 Days
There are some areas where you need work throughout the 30-day period. This is because your knowledge needs to be updated throughout this period. You have to read newspapers for an hour every single day. Newspapers are a great source of information which will help you in the exams. Additionally, you have to devote an hour each for GENERAL KNOWLEDGE and CURRENT AFFAIRS. There cannot be any gap in studying these.

First 10 Days
You need to student MATHS for about 5 hours every day during this phase. Draw up a list of formulae and work on them. Figure out shortcuts with the help of AFCAT mentors and you will be in a better position by the time you take the test. Keep practicing the ones you have already done. Repetition is key to solving the sums quickly during the exam.

Next 5 Days
This is time for you to study reasoning and aptitude test. Again, you have to devote 5 hours every day for this study. Look at a variety of questions and then try to work on them with an eye on the clock. Since time will be crucial, you have to work on a set format.

Day 15-50
This is the time to study English for 5 hours every day. You have to pick up as many antonyms and synonyms as you possibly can.

Final 10 Days
This is the time to stop studying and working on previous years’ test papers.

With this schedule, you have a better chance of cracking AFCAT.

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